Have you ever struggled with getting rid of your upper arm fat? You know that nagging flab under the tricep? In some of us it even hangs down quite noticeably and can even jiggle when we move our arms around it can be so loose. Don’t worry if you have some chub on your upper arms, you are not alone. We get quite a few people writing us asking us about how to lose upper arm fat. While it is not easy to naturally reduce fat in this area (since spot fat reduction is debatably effective) there are several steps you can take to make your tricep and bicep area look more sexy again.
What Cases Arms To Store Fat?
Most people who have flabby arms develop them because they have underdeveloped tricep muscles. Fat under the triceps is a problem that mostly plagues women but also affects some men.
Best Upper Arm Fat Exercises
Some of the best exercises you can do to fight your arm flab are those that target your tricep. Many people who have excess fat in their upper arm area also have under developed triceps. By strengthening your triceps and toning them you accomplish two goals at once.
- You achieve a better and fuller shape. This can even make your upper arms look better without fat loss since the muscles beneath the subcutaneous fat will make the fat appear less noticeable.
- You burn more calories and possible focus fat loss in this area through increased blood flow and nutrient delivery. Although many people claim spot fat reduction is a farce, those who seriously attempt it claim that it does work. Even though it’s effectiveness may be minimal some focused attention on our upper arms is better than none.
So we understand that the best way to target fat reduction in our arms is to really focus on strengthening, toning, and working out our triceps. So how do we tone our triceps? Well there are tons of exercises that will accomplish this but we want the most bang for our buck.
Exercise scientists have measured how much different exercises activate the triceps and it was discovered that the top three were:
- Triangle or Close Grip Pushups
- Kickbacks
- Bench Dips
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